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Which Schools Are Available For Residents of Aventura Isles? | By Susan Milgrom

by #SusanMilgrom

An important subject for families when it comes to looking for a new residence is, undoubtedly, schools. Most wonder about the quality of education and teachers, besides closeness to their house. Some parents look for schools that cover special needs or develop specific talents for their children. A factor to consider is if they offer a transportation service to the school.

Aventura Isles Public Schools Aventura Isles Private Schools

Private schools:

Just by entering the zip code of Aventura Isles, which is 33179, or the address of the house you're interested in at

You can find the general list with the names and details of private schools in the area, like: address, phone number, website, grades or levels they offer, number of students, among others. There's a very useful section where you can specify details like the distance to the school, the child's grade, gender, school style, religious affiliation and the sports they offer, narrowing the options. The site allows to directly contact the school of your interest via email to request details about registration, cost or ask questions. They offer to reply in less than 24 hours.

Public schools:

The assignment of students to schools in Miami-Dade varies according to the exact address of the residence. It's possible that houses within the same community aren't assigned the same schools.

The school education system in Miami-Dade is classified in three stages: Elementary school: comprises kindergarten and grades 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Middle school: comprises years 6, 7 and 8. High school: comprises years 9, 10, 11, and 12.

Public school are usually named according to the stages or grades they comprise. Pre K-12 comprises from kinder to 12th grade. Elementary comprises from 1st to 5th grade. K-8 Centers comprise from kinder to 8th grade. Middle comprises from 6th to 8th grade. 6-12 Centers comprise from 6th to 12th grade. Senior High comprises from 9th to 12th grade.

To know which school is assigned to you or your child, you can use the following link. It's a good idea to get to know the school you're supposed to attend, regardless of the next school stage.

Not all the houses applies for Dr. Michael M. Krop High School. The school bus picks up the children at the parking lot of Aventura Isles' pool around 6:20 a.m. Classes start at 7:20 a.m. and end at 2:20 p.m. The bus brings the children back before 3:00 p.m.

There are schools that include Magnet Programs, where you don't have to live in the zone to attend. The exchange of students with other districts is allowed. For example, you can live in Aventura Isles and attend DASH in Design District.

Public School Calendar:

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Magnet Programs:

Magnet Programs are courses focused on the area of interest, talent and abilities of the student. They have advanced art, math, science and technology plans, among others. The curriculum includes regular and particular subjects. They're academically demanding. To enter, you must go through rigorous auditions. If you wish to know more about this plan, you can enter here. You must apply in advance and not wait until the last minute.

Michael M. Krop High School also offers a Magnet Program called STAR Academy, related to visual and performing arts.

From school year 2017-2018, a new law will come into effect, which eliminates the geographic limitation between family residence and the location of the school in other districts. Read the full report here.


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